Friday, February 27, 2009

Nice day off!

I got to be off work today at the last minute. We were told that our call list was running short and we didn't have to come in. I was so excited when I heard the news!!! The only bad thing is that I had a laundry list of stuff to do and it didn't get done til around 6:30 tonight. Oh well, at least I didn't have to go to hell today :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I just got contacts yesterday and I friggin love them!! The only problem I have with them is getting them out at the end of the night. Hopefully I will get better at it as time goes on.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Update on Walmart...te he he!!

So I did just as I said and complained to walmart about the tire situation. The manager seemed like a total tool but all in all he gave us a $60 gift card. The lesson here is: DON"T TAKE CRAP FROM WALMART!! COMPLAIN!! Ahhh, good times!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So we got the new tires yesterday and my hubby went to get them put on at Walmart on Independence. He gave them all of the info, answered all of their questions, and was told it would be a two hour wait to get them put on. When his time finally came, they told him that the weren't able to install them because they didn't sell that size of tire just in case anything happened to the ones he brought in. So he essentially wasted 2 and a half hours walking around at Walmart for no reason! He missed out on time with our kids and also time that he could of been working on the websites he creates. I am so insanely mad at Walmart about this whole situation! The guy knew from EXACTLY what tires he had from the beginning and neglected to inform Josh of the "policy" until he already wasted time. I am so calling a manager today and venting!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So...........I had to miss my algebra class this morning since my car decided to get a flat last night. I hate missing class for such unnecessary crap!! I just hope that me reading the material will suffice on my homework. I ordered tires for my car when I got my taxes back and now comes the waiting period to get them...just hope they are here by Saturday! I have a Psychology test that I just can't miss!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Update on sunday....

So Sunday officially does not suck!! We just bought a new big tv!! We are setting it up right now and I am super pumped!! That's all,lol..

Sucky Sunday

Ok, so I don't think that we are going to be moving where I thought we were. Oh well, back to searching! I am just really ready to get it done. The anticipation and excitement of a new place is killing me! Hopefully the new place is bigger and accommodates us more than here. Also, I have discovered that having extended time off school is not a good thing! I am being incredibly lazy in the studying and homework department! This week is study week for sure!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Update on the last week...

So I am no longer sick, THANK GOD!! I was sick for far too long! I have just mainly been studying and cleaning..not too much exiting news to share...I think I found a place to move too (YAY) and I have been paying off old bills...boy does that feel good!

Friday, February 6, 2009


ARRRGGHHH!! Yes I realize that I sound kind of like a pirate....anyways..I am so DONE with being sick!! You have no idea!! I just want to rip my face off!! That's all..I have nothing else..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Doing homework..

I am just sitting here doing homework. I still feel very crappy...I hate being sick!! Hopefully I feel better tomorrow because I am so done with it!! Anywho...I am in the process of writing one of my English papers and it is actually kind of fun! I haven't written a paper in a very long time and it feels good! I am going to go ahead and get back to that..I have lots to do!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So I am staying home from work today and probably tomorrow since my 2 year old and mom/babysitter are sick...good times!! I hope to be able to get a lot of stuff accomplished being at home which is a rare occurance for me. Since we are going to be moving in about 2 months I have to really crack down and start going through our stuff and boy do we have alot! My rooms and 2 car garage are full to bursting! I also have some school stuff to do. I have my first Algebra test on tuesday (eek!!) and I am freaking out! I know my stuff but I get test anxiety pretty bad...just hope all goes well for me :)...aside from cleaning up vomit my week has been pretty decent...hope yours is too!